Here I am, feeding deer....

The goats were a favorite....

Momma, I'm surrounded by goats - HELP!!

I make a pretty cute goat, myself!

This guy was giving us the evil eye!

The albino Kangaroo and I seemed to really hit it off...I think the carrot helped.

Here I am petting a brown kangaroo.

This kangaroo had a joey...daddy couldn't get a good picture of the joey, but you can see her pouch hanging down with the joey in it!

Speaking of babies, this momma monkey was carrying around her baby on her chest...see the baby???

Here are some other cute, very little monkeys!

I even got to see bears!

I'm worried these reindeer are trying to decide if I am naughty or nice. I'm NICE, I'm NICE!!! Tell Santa!

Daddy thinks the Scottish Highlander Cattle look like big muppets. I'm not sure what that is, but they were really cute!

And finally, we also fed a zebra! This was a great day!

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