Sunday, December 26, 2010


I helped Momma bake on Christmas Eve. Momma bought me my own apron to bake in, which is cool!

I've gotten pretty good at using the mixer.

Daddy made me put both hands on top of the mixer after I tried to stick my finger in the batter.

I am also quite good at whisking...

Ok, Momma, "Cheese"....there, I said it....are you happy???

This batter is tasty! Momma said to be sure I mentioned that there were no raw eggs in the batter!

Another successful year of Christmas baking completed!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Christmas Photos

I have my pictures for Christmas, so I am "officially" ready for Santa. Momma and Daddy say I sure have grown the last few years.

Here I am in 2008, two months after I came home. Who is this guy poking at my belly?

2009 - Thanks for the milk, big guy!

This is my current YOU'RE Santa??

Here I am with Momma....

...and Daddy....
In front of the tree..

Practicing for my modeling debut...Momma and Daddy think I'm handsome...

My innocent look - Who, me???

And a few other cute pictures...
Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

My new hat!

Momma bought me a new hat last year, but it was too big. I've grown into it finally...and man, do I look cute in it. The hat was made by a fellow adoptive parent from Taiwan!

Bring on the snow!

With Daddy...two handsome guys!