Saturday, December 19, 2009

Christmas Pictures

It's that time of year again...

Wow - Presents!

I wonder what is in here?

This year:

... and just for reference, a couple photos from last year:

...have I changed at all in the past year? Mom & Dad sure seem to think so.

Let it Snow!

Ooohh! Milk and Cookies!! Thanks, Santa!

The Family Portrait... Daddy, didn't I ask you to shave this morning?!?!

Honest, Santa, I've been a good boy this year!

Have Gift, Will Travel...

Okay, I've had enough of this photo shoot... I'm Outta Here!

Merry Christmas Everyone!
Love, Kim, Kent & Kai


The snow has arrived....looks like I will be needing these!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Thanksgiving and Such

Pictures from Thanksgiving day at Grandma and Grandpa's house.....sitting with Grandpa

Finger puppets anyone??

After that big meal, it's time to walk the dog.

With Granny's walking stick....Grandpa made me one my own size, but I prefer to walk with a big stick!

Off to our second dinner at Gammy and Gampy's. I found out I like olives as much as my cousin Saige does!

The weather if finally starting to get colder here. I look pretty cute in my new jacket - just wait until you see the new hat Momma ordered's not in yet, but there will be plenty of pictures to come!

Momma and Daddy put the tree up "early" this year, so I would have more time to enjoy it. Here I am, admiring the tree in my big boy chair.

This ornament sure LOOKED like a cookie!

Can I go now??