Sunday, January 18, 2009

Look who's crawling!!

Mommy and Daddy said they can "officially" say that I am crawling though pulling myself around on my elbows wasn't enough!

Here are two videos of my amazing that I can get around, I usually head straight for the dog toys (much more exciting than my own!)

I also have 6 teeth now - which I have found can be used to my advantage. I bit mommy on the hand the other day when she was putting my diaper on (I no longer like to have my diaper changed and will try to stop the act at all costs!). I also bit mommy on the shoulder when I was snuggled up, ready to go to sleep. Not sure just "happened".

I like to bite my toys in the bathtub, too!

Here I am telling Mommy it's time to stop taking pictures and get me out of the bathtub...oh yeah, did mention I can pull myself up now??

Just a few quick other and daddy, hanging out:

Hanging out with Smokey (look, he's just about ready to give me a kiss - I am not always crazy about that!!).

That's it for now...stay warm!!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Christmas Pictures (Finally!)

Christmas Morning with my pal Smokey:

Christmas Day with Granny:

Christmas Day with Grandpa:

Playing on the floor with Gammy:

My new toy from Aunt Patty:

This present tastes good!

Kai with Daddy:

Who needs presents when you have wrapping paper?

This is fun!

My dog Spot from Aunt Heather, Uncle Scott, and cousins Cindy and Kevin:

My new truck from Aunt Holly, Uncle Brian, and cousins Shaun and Jacinta:


I think I made out pretty well this Christmas!

I finally got to meet my cousins! Kevin, Shaun, Cindy, and Jacinta:

Aunt Sharon:

Aunt Kim:

Aunt Billie:

Aunt Holly:

My new bib:

Uncle Brian:

Aunt Heather:

Uncle Scott: